Sunday, December 11, 2005

"Gotcha Day"!

In the China adoption world today is called "Gotcha Day"- the day we got Noelle (her Chinese name is Wei Fen and we are going to call her that until we get home- I'll refer to her that way at least in today's blog). We traveled from Beijing to Nanchang, the capital of the Jiangxi province in Southern China on roughly a 2 hour flight. What was so touching was that the 737 jet on China Eastern Airlines was about 90% full of Americans in different groups coming to adopt. This province is one of three popular provinces for adoption: Jiangxi, Guandong, and Hunan. It felt SO great seeing that the word is really out on this and people from all over the place and varying agencies are coming to adopt. It was fun both in our travel group as well as in others to see some couples bringing 4 year old girls that had been adopted previously as well as other ages of girls who had been adopted previously as they picked up their second Chinese girl. This is common in probably 70% of the people we know who adopt- they go back and do it again. What a gift these little girls are to all of those excited people! Jamie said, "there must be a million angels around this plane".

We basically got to the hotel and got to our rooms and it was time to go pick up Wei Fen. We went to the Civil office responsible for adoptions with our eight families. The procedure was that our guide and translator "Sampson" who works for Gladney in China would read the family name from a list. Then, you simply go up and get your child from the waiting nanny who is holding her. Jamie and I worked it out that she would take delivery and I would videotape. They called our name probably sixth and Jamie went over, presented our passport and our travel letter, and picked up Wei Fen. It was so exciting and emotional. We could barely handle the moments leading up to this. Our baby was wearing a pink hat, pink coat, and several layers of clothing as prescribed by custom (and right now, by the cold wind). She cried a little from the shock and change of things but Jamie held her, talked to her, and settled her down. It wasn't until I got close to her and said the Chinese word for "Father" that Wei Fen lost it. I said, "Baba", she took one look at me and lost it- but it was ok. We kind of expected she would go to one of us at first. We left the Civil affairs office at approximately 4:15pm China time on Sunday.

The next step was for one parent to attend a one-hour meeting with Mr. Lu the orphanage director and with the nannys to ask questions about whatever we needed to know. Although Wei Fen was crying when I held her I knew Jamie had to go- she would ask the right questions- its practically a gift with her and I knew I would miss some important ones.

We had noticed that Noelle did well if you stood up and bounced her around and patted her. My back is a little sore from the Great Wall climb but I thought I would try it for as long as I could and then I would have to work out something else. Jamie left for the Q&A meeting and I got to work trying not to terrify my new daughter. She had been acting tired so I thought I might be able to bounce her to sleep. After 30 minutes of trying different things I actually prayed for help and within 10 minutes she was asleep. (why do we wait so long to ask for help)

I needed rest too so I ended up putting her on my chest and kind of leaning back on several pillows in the bed and I was able to cat nap. She woke up a few times and changed her head position and even looked at me and did not flip out- this is great stuff.

Jamie got back and told me about what she learned. Wei Fen has 2 naps per day, wakes up at 5am (Jamie said, "that isn't happening"), loves toys, loves people, loves to smile, and is curious. I'll let Jamie tell you more depth, right now she is sleeping and exhausted- unfortunately she got a cold yesterday and it is in her sinus, head, and throat and she is miserable. Also, she can't stop crying - partly from exhaustion and mostly from her being worried about this enormous change Wei Fen is having to endure and the fear she has been having. We have worked really hard to console her and it has been difficult because this has really been traumatic for her as you can imagine. Ok, I'm going to post some pics and try to take a nap (its Sunday night).


Anonymous said...

OTB(ONE TRUE BEAUTY) for sure!!! These hard times will soon pass I'm sure. Boy, she sure does look wonderful in your arms. What an overwhelming experience for you all. We are praying that Noelle will feel well soon and quickly adjust to her new life with you. We are anxious to see more picts but we really want to see her and hold her RIGHT NOW!!!
We love you! Hang in there!
L,J,J,& E

Anonymous said...

WOW! We can't stop looking at the pictures of both of you and Noelle. Now we really wish you were back here so we could hold her too.

When Maddie saw she was wearing pink, she said, "Grammy, Noelle is wearing pink because she knows that is my favorite color." Maddie just laughs and smiles as she looks at the pictures, she wants to hold her baby sister too.

Our whole family and our whole church, are praying for all three of you. We pray the Lord will help you Jamie with your cold and we pray for physical strength for both of you. And we pray the Lord will supernaturally take the fear from Noelle and allow her to just rest in your arms and in your care for her.

Keep those pictures coming! We need more!
Grams & Pops

Travis Crow said...

Holly and I have loved reading of your journey and now we can SEE what we have to look forward to. What I found was intersting is how "baba" and "abba" contain the same letters...what a great daddy (and mommy) Noelle has.

Anonymous said...

I can hardly see through my tears to type a message! I can't seem to quit crying, knowing what fears you and Noelle have. What huge days, huge changes.

"Oh, Father, comfort all 3 of them. Be to each of them exactly what they need. I pray for sleep, rest, peace, smiles, supernatural bonding, amazing grace, and special moments."

I love you 3 and am still praying. Thanks for all the wonderful pictures. Congratulations on another beautiful daughter.


Travis Crow said...

By the way...I just tagged you guys. get to it when you can. It's fun. Check my blog for details about Seven Things.

Anonymous said...

We'er excited for you'll. She is beautiful.We'er praying for you.I'm passing everything to Laura and Teresa so they can see the and prayers, Carolyn & Don

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! God's blessings on all three of you. I pray you all feel better soon. Most of all I pray that you all 'bond'& she can feel the LOVE coming from her Mama & Daddy! And especially for calm days with NO tears, for any of you! Can't wait to meet her! We're all praying for you!
Marilyn Scaggs

Anonymous said...

We am so happy that this day has finally come. I know how anxious you have been to get to this point. We're praying for God's healing for you all, and can't wait to see this precious little girl in person. Maddie told some of the girls at church today that she was getting a little sister for Christmas and it was all I could do not to cry! We love you all!

Barry & Christi