Monday, June 27, 2005

Has It Really Been That Long?

Wow...I can't believe it has been so long since I posted. Time sure does fly. Well we have been having a busy summer thus far. Brian and I recently returned from a trip to Cancun. Brian was invited to his company's President Club this year in Cancun due to having a great sales year. We had a great time and feel blessed to be honored with a free vacation.

We became DTC (Dossier to China) on March 1st and we became LID (Log In Date in China) on March 17th. If things in China keep progressing we should have our referral (picture and medical report of our girl) mid to late September and will be traveling sometime before Thanksgiving. We can't wait. It's hard to wait 14 months for a baby...and I thought 9 was hard.

Maddie is doing well, she is really enjoying swimming this summer. She is growing up too fast. We recently had photos taken so I have attached one of our sweet girl.

1 comment:

Sunshine said...

Jamie, I can't believe how much Maddie looks like you in that picture! I'm so excited about your baby girl on the way. I've told people that adopting is kind of like being pregnant because you fix up a bedroom and buy clothes and toys, you just don't know when they are coming or how old they will be. It will be awesome to share our experiences.