Saturday, June 17, 2006

Hello Aunt Lisa, this is Noelle!

Ok, Mommy was talking to Aunt Lisa and all of us were pestering her. The kids and I feel every conversation should be a group conversation. In fact we only believe in using speakerphone around here, mom hasn't caught up with this revelation yet but we are working on her.
Well, mom finally had it and left the room to go speak on the cordless in the living room and dad was hanging out with the kids in the bedroom. Well, "baby bird" as we sometimes call Noelle just had to hear what was going on with the phone conversation so she kept lunging for the handset by the bed and she got to it a couple of times before I could stop her. She literally put it to her ear and was trying to hear the conversation. After I thought about it for a second I realized this was cute and I asked Maddie to hurry and go get the camera and snapped these pics.
Maddie is so cute, at church they made some Father's Day cards and they asked Maddie what she would want to say to her Daddy on Father's day. She had them write "Daddy, Thanks for taking me to the park. I love you! Love, Maddie". This was so sweet I cried and made a really big deal about it and then carried her all the way to the car. She liked this reaction- a lot! So, when she got home she proceeded to make me 2 new Father's Day cards and she kept looking at my eyes to see if I would cry. She is so freakin' cute and hilarious!

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