Thursday, March 09, 2006

Happy 1st Birthday Noelle!

We had two birthday parties for Noelle this year. Her birthday was on March 7th so we had a small, simple family party on the 7th. She loved everyone singing Happy Birthday to her and she LOVED the cake as you can see.

In our Gladney traveling group there were two families who live near us and their daughters are the same age as Noelle, they all have birthdays within three weeks of each other. So, we had them and their extended families over for a big combined birthday party. We ordered a lot of Chinese food, exchanged gifts, made a huge mess, and had a great time. The babies have all grown plump and so cute since China. They have also made a huge amount of progress just like Noelle in every area. All of them wore their Chinese clothes.

1 comment:

asiangard said...

She is so cute! Happy birthday!!