Friday, January 13, 2006

Good Goose

Maddie pulled Noelle's socks and shoes off in the car today, so I told her she had to put them back on. She was not happy about having to put them back on as she doesn't like putting her own socks and shoes on. It was hilarious to watch, but in the process she kept calling Noelle "Good Goose". She was saying be still "Good Goose", give me your foot "Good Goose". It was really sweet. She loves her sister SO much, I keep thinking the newness is going to wear off, but it hasn't happened yet..she is still just as giddy about her as she was the day we got home. This is a true answer to prayer.

Noelle is doing very well, she is now crawling all over the place. She wants to be held all the time. She gets very upset if anyone leaves the room and leaves her there to play. She has shown real signs of bonding in the last week. Prior to this last week, she was willing to go to anyone and especially anyone with dark skin and dark hair. I took her to visit my friends from work and she about killed herself to get to my Chinese friend Rachel. She hugged and kissed was sweet but broke my heart, as I think she thought Rachel was one of her Nannies from the orphanage. This week she has been clinging to me when other people hold their hands out. This is a very good sign of attaching and bonding..I only suspect this will get stronger and stronger. Noelle is also sleeping 11 hours a night in her own crib...thank you LORD!

I start back to work on Monday, so things should get more interesting. Noelle will be staying with her Aunt Lisa while we work. Aunt Lisa will have her hands full with a 3 month old, 10 month old (Noelle), and a 2 year old.

I will post some updated pictures later.

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