Friday, October 14, 2005

Our New Niece-Baby Ellis

Our sweet niece Ellis decided she did not want to miss out on all the excitement of her new cousin Noelle last week. So she decided to join us three weeks early! Ellis is absolutely beautiful! Congrats goes out to my brother Jon and his wife Lisa and big brother Jase!

Ellis Suzanne Summy
10/5/05 (2 days before her big brother Jase turned 2)
5 pounds 3 ounces
17 1/2 inches

Maddie is thrilled beyond belief to have a new baby girl cousin. She just beams with pride and excitement! Uncle Brian has already gave her a nickname "Ellie Belle"....Ellie Sue didn't quite go over to well with Ellis's mommy. =) Noelle is going to be so happy to have a girl cousin just 7 months younger than her.

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